Federal Minimum Wage Increase Bill Fails
Because of the nature of the Senate motion, at least 60 votes were necessary to end debate and bring the bill to a vote. The vote, however, split almost exactly along party lines, 54-42, with four Senators not voting: both Senators from Mississippi, Cochran (R) and Wicker (R), as well as both Senators from Arkansas, Boozman (R-AR) and (surprisingly, perhaps) Pryor (D). Only one Republican, Senator Corker of Tennessee, voted in favor of advancing the bill to a final vote. Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, switched his vote from yes to no, but only so as to preserve the right to raise the bill again.
Last year, on March 15th, House Republicans voted unanimously against this same wage increase, added as a final amendment to a job-training bill. The vote rejecting the amendment was 184-233, and every Republican (227 Congressmen) voted no.
Click here for a comparative chart of State minimum wages,
maintained by the United States Department of Labor.